Welcome to Oren’s webpage
Aoren.ca is the web page where you will find information about Oren Cheifetz (me) and my activities that are primarily related to expanding the role of physiotherapist for people with cancer with the goal of integrating physiotherapy as a standard of care for people with cancer.
Here you will also find information about the CanWell Program, a community-based exercise and education program for people with cancer, and the Canadian Cancer Rehabilitation and Education Institute.
Who Am I?
No, I did not lose my mind and I am not confused. But I do want to tell who I am. I am a Clinical Specialist – Oncology (Canadian Physiotherapy Association certified) who worked for many years as a front-line physiotherapist on the Hematology/Oncology ward at Hamilton Health Sciences, Hamilton, Ontario. I have graduated from Queen’s University in 1996, completed my Physiotherapy research Masters degree at the University of Western Ontario in 2006, and completed my doctorate studies at McMaster University in 2013.
In addition to my clinical role, I was lucky and have my hospital’s support to conduct research. The majority of my work focuses on different aspects of exercise for people with cancer. I was the Principal Investigator for the CanWell Program, which is a community-based, exercise and education program for people with cancer. You can browse the pages on this web site to learn more about my involvement with students, the Canadian Physiotherapy Association, publications, and other information.
Physiotherapy services for people with cancer
If you have been diagnosed with cancer and would like to see a physiotherapist specializing in the treatment of people with cancer please see my Physiotherapy Services tab.